Monster Frappe Recipe by SooperChef

Monster energy of Monster Frappe is completely irresistible with Wall's Feast Ice cream. This Monster Shake/Freak Shake made with Wall's Feast Ice Cream has a mouth watering creamy texture that you need to try. Give this Monster Frappe a try and let us know how it turned out.

#MonsterFrappe #MonsterShake #Walls #SathChaleinKhushiyaan

Ingredients for Whipped Cream:
Whipping cream 1 cup

Ingredients for feast frappe:
Wall’s Feast Ice Cream 4
Ice cubes 1 cup
Milk (chilled) 1/3 cup
Sugar 1 tbsp
Chocolate syrup 1 tbsp

Ingredients for Feast Latte Frappe:
Wall’s Feast Ice-Cream 1
Whipping cream 1.4cup
Ice cubes 1 cup
Milk (chilled) 1/3 cup
Powdered sugar 1 tbsp
Brewed coffee 1 tsp
Caramel syrup 1 tbsp

Ingredients for Feast Frappe Assembling:
Chocolate syrup as required
Whipped cream as required
Sprinkles as required
Bunties as required
Feast frappe as required
Marshmallow stick as required
Chocolate wafer rolls as required
Wall’s Feast Ice-Cream 1
Chocolate chips as required
Ingredients for Feast Latte Frappe assembling:
Chocolate syrup as required
Whipped cream as required
Chocolate chips as required
Feast Latte Frappe as required
Sprinkles as required
Marshmallow stick as required
Chocolate wafer rolls as required
Wall’s Feast Ice-Cream 1
Caramel Syrup as required

Directions for Whipped Cream:
1. In a bowl add whipping cream and beat until fluffy and stiff peaks form. Refrigerate until used.
Directions for Feast Frappe:
2. In a blender add Wall’s Feast Ice-Cream, ice cubes, sugar, milk, chocolate syrup and blend for about 1 or until creamy in texture.
3. Pour the chocolate syrup into the bottom of a cup and onto sides. Pour the Feast Frappe into cup and top it with whipped cream.
4. Top it with sprinkles, bunties, chocolate chips, marshmallow stick, Wafer rolls, Feast Ice Cream and serve. Your Feast Frappe is ready.
Directions for Feast latte Frappe:
5. In a blender add Wall’s Feast Ice Cream, coffee, ice cubes, sugar, caramel and milk. Blend for 1 minutes or until creamy in texture.
6. Pour the chocolate syrup into the bottom of a cup and onto sides. Pour the Feast Latte Frappe mixture into the cup and top with whipped cream.
7. Top it with chocolate chips, wafer rolls, marshmallow stick, sprinkles, Wall’s Feast ice-Cream, caramel syrup and serve. Your Feast Latte Frappe is ready.
Preparation time: 5 mins
Cooking time: Nill
Servings: 4
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