Chef Ryley Eckersley shares his Amour du Beurre with us by showing us his favorite dish to make using Butter of Europe.

He combines French, English and Peruvian influence to create dishes that are reflective of where hes been and that are beautiful and technically sound. Chef explains why butter is so important to him and his cooking. Europeans expect the best butter and the French seem to have taken that to the next level...Its super fatty, it has lovely grassy notes and is a pleasure to cook with. Whether Im poaching or searing, or finishing a dish- @ryley.eckersley.

#sponsored by @butterofeurope

#chefsroll #rollwithus #lamourdubeurreseries #butterofeurope #secretsdebeurre #betterbeurre #butteroffrance @butteroffrance #crfeaturesbutterofeurope


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