Mother's Day Special - Lemon Drizzle Loaf

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Mothers are tough to please. They want you to have friends; they want you to get straight As; they want you to be back home early; they want you to get attached. The list of wants from a mother can trail on for miles, and not all of them are easy to achieve. But one day each year, the spotlight is on them, and we know exactly what they want on that day.

Mother's Day also known as the day everybody stresses about to their friends but never really getting round to doing much calls for some tender loving attention. The one thing every mother would love nothing more, would be to settle down on a Sunday afternoon with her kids, and dig into a buttery cake with a comforting cup of tea. And no, you're not allowed to takeaway the cake from P.S Cafe.

Thankfully, we've got you settled. We've collaborated with the friends from Poached Mag, and have produced this video recipe for a gorgeous Lemon Drizzle Loaf, guaranteed to bring a smile on your mother's face. Everything down to the candied lemon and the sugar glaze is done from scratch, just like it should be for your mum, and this foolproof video recipe will ensure that you can't go wrong with it.

Forget scrambling to book a sub-par restaurant's set menu, and put some love into this year's Mother's Day.

With love,
The Meatmen X Poached Mag
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