Mung Sprouts Pulao which is Unique/Pulao with Surprising ingredients, Healthy, easy, Sprouts Pulao! | Sujan Fun Kitchen

Sujan Fun Kitchen is on a health adventure today! Pulao made healthy with sprouts! Use any Biryani spices or Masala - I have used my choice of ingredients, available in my kitchen. Make this quick Pulao in a jiffy and win everybody's hearts!


Basmati Rice - 1 ½ cups

Sprouts - 1 cup

Ghee/oil - 4tbsp

Cumin seeds/jeera - 1tsp

Cloves - 5

Cinnamon - 1 stick

Cardamom - 2

Kapok buds/Marathi moggu - 2

Star anise - 2

Bay leaves - 2

Crushed black pepper - as required

Baby onions - 1 cup

Slit green chillies - 4

Grated ginger - 1tsp

Chopped coriander leaves - ½ cup

Boiling water - 2 ¼ cups

Salt to taste


Soak the basmati rice for half an hour

Heat oil/ghee in a cooker

Splutter cumin seeds/jeera

Add all the whole spices and roast till aroma emanates, over medium flame

Add grated ginger, saute

Add slit green chillies, saute

Add the baby onions and fry till translucent

Now add the sprouts and toss together

Add the crushed pepper powder and stir together

Now add the drained basmati rice and lightly toss together

Now it's time to add the boiling water

Add the chopped coriander leaves

Allow everything to just bubble

Close the cooker, place weight

Pressure cook over medium flame for 10 minutes

Open the cooker ONLY when the pressure subsides on its own

Enjoy the yummy Sprouts Fried Rice with any raitha and papad
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