Orange Pistachio Flat White Coffee | Tastemade

All it takes is a dash of pistachio syrup, a hint of orange blossom water and a little zest to turn your flat white upright.

Orange Pistachio Flat White Coffee sponsored by Ninja Coffee Bar #NinjaCoffeeBarSips

2 Tbsp / 2 Ninja Small Scoops ground coffee
1 Tbsp pistachio syrup
½ cup milk
¼ tsp orange blossom water (or substitute with rose water)
Finely zested orange, to garnish

Place the ground coffee in the brew basket.
Add the pistachio syrup to a coffee mug and set the mug in place to brew. Press the Specialty button.
While the coffee is brewing, place the milk and orange blossom water into a small saucepan or in a microwave safe mug. Heat the milk until warm on a stovetop or microwave. Froth for 40 seconds according to frothing instructions.
Stir the brewed coffee and pistachio syrup mixture. Pour the frothed, flavored milk into the coffee, using a spoon to hold back the larger size foam. Let the microfoam pour into the coffee in a steady stream. Top with a dollop of thick foam.
Garnish with orange zest. "


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