Osekihan with sweet potato Japanese veggie recipe

Hello Japanese food lovers!

In this video, I introduce how to make Osekihan with sweet potato (Festive rice with sweet potato). This rice dish is a traditional festive rice dish we usually eat at celebrating situation, like passing the exam, entrance and graduation of school etc.

We normally use mochi-gome (glutinous rice) instead of using normal rice. This special rice adds a "mochi-mochi" (sticky) texture that many people love!

To add a little bit twist, I added sweet potato for this dish since it's autumn (when I shoot this video).

At the final touch, I recommend to sprinkle black sesame seeds and salt on top! YUM!

Please try it out!!!

Ingredients (4 servings):

1/3 cup (about 70ml) Red beans2rice-cups (360ml) Mochi-gome *glutinous rice1/2 Sweet potato *medium size1/2 cup (100ml) Red bean broth2 cups (400ml) WaterBlack sesame& Salt, to your taste

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