Paella Recipe - a Spanish Dish from Valencia!

A simple easy Paella recipe that my good friend Matt O'Haren teaches us how to make! Super Tasty and fun for the family...

Today we are making paella. These are the vegetables we're going to put together. Paella is a Spanish dish from Valencia. These are some of the basics. You need your garlic, you need your tomatoes, you need your onion, saffron, smoked paprika, and then we've got some bay leaves. And I hear that you've got some special cook. I have a sous-chef that'll cut the red peppers. Hey. This is Zoe. What do you do first? Well, I normally cut out this stem. This center part?
Yes. Yeah, the part that no one wants to eat. And you don't cut your fingers off either, right? Sometimes. Sometimes you cut your fingers off? Just a little glue. Look at that, pops right out. Boom, just throw that over there. Awesome. All right, then what? And then I kind of .... Kind of shake those little seeds out a little bit. I like to cut this part, so I can open it up. Okay, so you cut it down the center. All right, so you got your little things there. Cut out the-
Oh wow, look at that, just flying right out. It doesn't want to be in there, does it? Yeah? I just-And you cut the finger off like that. Okay.
Look at that. Awesome. That's a nice slice. That is a nice slice. That's a nice slice. That's a nice slice. But I like how you're doing it, that's great. Who taught you these techniques, Zo-lola? I'm not sure. The internet. The internet. Gonna cut all this off. There's nothing that we need that's too important here.
You know what I like about this is I don't have to cook. I've never actually cooked a paella before, so this is gonna be a lot of fun. Probably a little bigger chopping board. Sure. Or a smaller onion. That's one thing nice about this knife, you can scoop everything up.
Yeah. Boom. Mm-hmm (affirmative). Dump it all over the counter.
All right, tomatoes are a little easier because you can chop them up, get it started. So, Zoe, why don't you mash that one up? That is crazy. She's better at it than I am. All right, so we got the tomato all chopped up there, and looks like it's pretty much ready to roll.
Two nice chunky garlic-And a lot of mess. There you go, look at that. Just take the back of the knife. Maybe not. Like that. So the lemons are a little bit of decoration, little bit of flavor at the very end. So basically lemon slices, people can grab them if they want.
This is all fresh prep work, all the spices, this is all you need. We're gonna add some chicken and some shellfish. We've got everything together here. You've got all your ingredients. So what's up with this rice. It doesn't look like the long grain stuff that you normally would see. Ideally with paella you wanna get special rice, Spanish rice, short grain, a little bit like sushi rice, but you just definitely don't wanna use long grain. A little olive oil.Okay. Oh, listen to that grill! I love the smell of onions when they start cooking too. You could fool anybody with that smell, it's so great.
All right, so I got this cooked down. Got the tomatoes, you got the onions, we've been cooking that down. Just gonna put a little more oil. That's one cup. I like keeping things simple, two tomatoes, one onion, two cups of rice. Okay. You gonna get that rice a little golden or what are you gonna do? Yeah, a little golden. So we're ready to pour a little broth on there to soak it up. How much you gonna put in? Let's do most of it. Most of it? All right, just kinda mix that around there like so. That's good, that's good. All right. I think it's done, isn't it? Sprinkle some of this saffron on there. A little saffron, I like saffron. Gonna bring it to a boil, strong simmer I guess. I'm gonna go ahead and put these bay leaves in. I don't like to break them up too much, but just enough that you got a couple pieces so people can pick them out. Okay. So about what, two and half bay leaves? Yeah, two or three. Okay. Then we'll do the peas at the same time. So these peas are just frozen peas you got? Yeah, it's very basic. You got some good healthy food in there, but it's also for color. Mm-hmm. So then, Jason, why don't you top off with just a little bit more broth.
Pretty. Isn't that pretty? You want it al dente, not necessarily-You don't want it soggy. ... crunchy, but you want it a little bit firmer. Let's put these shrimps in so they cook all the way through. All right, so why don't we just put a little bit more. Getting kinda low on the broth. You can always use water too. No, I know. I like the broth, I don't put any salt because there's a little bit of salt in the broth.

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