Parenting with Intention for Your Preschooler HPC: E88

When parenting your preschooler doesn't seem like the joyful experience you expected "BK" (Before Kids) might be too much of YOU and not enough of THEM.

Montessori certified parenting expert and early childhood teacher Jeanne-Marie Paynel joins me today with incredible encouragement for parents of preschoolers. We talk about children's basic needs and how parents really can enjoy raising self-sufficient and independent children withOUT the overwhelm or comparison game...

In today's interview you'll learn:

* What a child-driven environment looks and feels like (and why it's sooooo good for your kiddos!)
* How to stop yourself from interrupting your child's development (flow)
* The joy of allowing children to be "with" us in mundane tasks
* How sitting on the floor for a while may change the way you parent
* What to focus on when we get our preschoolers involved in family chores (hint: it's not the chore...or the chart)
* Why our child's time before age 6 is so important!
* Why the kitchen is a perfect place to parent in a child-driven world

My favorite quote from Jeanne-Marie that I've thought of MANY times since recording this interview: "When children have a tantrum they are not GIVING you a hard time, they are HAVING a hard time."

For wisdom from across the ages in many ways, please enjoy this recording, and let me know in the comments what strategy or philosophy you think will stick with YOU like the one above did for me!

Resources We Mention for Parenting Preschoolers

* Find Jeanne-Marie online:
* 21 positive parenting tools:
* Our online cooking course for kids:
* Kid-friendly knives:
* Teaching your preschooler to carry a plate:
* This is how our kids serve their own water:
* Teaching life skills can be pretty hilarious!
* More on involving your child in daily chores:
* Tips for making family dinners happen:
* Setting kids up for success by setting the table :
* Seven strategies for a stress-free home:
* Prioritizing self-care as a parent:
I am an affiliate for Jeanne-Marie's membership site.

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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