Parmesan Risotto Recipe with Chef Scotty and Jason on Dads That Cook

Chef Scotty Bastable shares one of the best and most flavorful Risotto's you will ever make. Super simple and Super Tasty! Your family will love this recipe... with or without added meat, you are set for dinner!

All right. We're in the kitchen now. We've got all this stuff. We do have all this. Looks like you brought out your whole kitchen, everything in the refrigerator. It's a full table. I'm overwhelmed. I can't think. Let me take you through it. Parmesan cheese, which goes on at the end of the risotto, which at the beginning, we have our onion. Here are mushrooms, we're going to roast those. Slice them up and roast them, throw them in the risotto near the end.
Don't forget the wine. That's not for the cake. That's not for the cake? That's not for the cake. This is Chablis. A little Chablis?
Little Chablis, yeah, that's right. Straight out of the box. And then in this martini pitcher, we have some chicken broth, which we're going to keep on dumping in and make the risotto take it and take it and take it. Take it. We got the pans all nice and hot. A little clarified butter. Clarified butter. Just to clarify things. Just to clarify things. Uh-huh, your mushrooms, you're gonna roast those. Okay. Throw them in the risotto near the end. Nice.
And then, I've got some of the chicken stock. Actually, all, warming up, so four cups of that. So that will be added to the risotto. Oh, I heard a little something. I think it's ready. I think I can go. I can go now. Here it comes. Oh, yeah, see, now it's partying. Oh, yeah. Yeah, everybody loves onions. That's a go to smell in the household. So, we're about ready to put the risotto ... A couple cups. A couple cups. And the process begins.
Your Chablis. The Chablis. The Chablis is going in the pan. That changed the nuance of it. Mm-hmm. So, allows it to not get too heavy in the flavor of the chicken. Make it more alive, Scott, 'cause it's dead right now. Yeah. I gotta have mushrooms. Yeah, mushies are working it's thing.
When the risotto gets a little complacent, like, it's not really absorbing much because it feels like it's done it's job, then that's when we start to throw in some of the ...Some of the stocky stock? ...stock, yeah. So, now we're gonna get this risotto to ... And you gotta keep stirring. ... absorb it. Yeah, you don't want to burn. And it allows it to give everyone a chance to get a drink of their stock. I try to make patterns. It makes it fun. Spell your name out sometimes in the snow. Write names, spell my name.
Yeah, risotto's cooking up nicely. That's still got another 15 minutes, maybe, of stirring. I'm just starting to hit my stride, yeah. I'm getting blisters on my finger. Give a little spin right there. Yeah, whoa, look at the tricks. Yeah. Put one foot up on the counter. There you go. I want to put some of that cheese in it. God. So we're gonna put this ...That took forever to go get that. Oh, yeah. Oh, look at that, look at your mad skills, right? Yeah. Ooh, that looks good. Yeah, this is good. We're gonna keep this warm. Yeah, are you gonna put a little cover on it? Or you're just gonna leave it the way it is?
I'm gonna put a little cover on it. We'll let that sit. Mm-hmm.
Oh my God, that is so good. And this is risotto has a nice foundation with all the Parmesan. And I can taste the wine hitting it. This is, like, unbelievable. Your family will love you for it. I know these guys do, so ...We're gonna get some new recipes from you. I've got a cold cereal one that's really good.

Jason Glover is the original Dad That Cooks and owns and operates Splash Digital Media. As a Dad and the primary cook for his family, he conceived DTC through his experiences and by talking with other Dads. When fellow Dads shared with Jason theyd love to learn from his own first-hand kitchen experiences, the idea for DTC was born. As the idea continued to keep him up at night he thought, why not leverage his film and video production and comedy background with his love of cooking for his family to become the host of DTC.

Ryan Seacrest move over introducing Jason Glover as the host of Dads That Cook.

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