Pasta with White Clam & Salt Encrusted Fish... in ITALY!

My second video in Italy takes place in Castel di Fiori in Umbria!
Our guest chef is Alexander, an Italian native whose father is Italian and mother is from England, so when he speaks English, he has a British accent! :)

I almost died when I found out what we were going to make. Pasta con le vongole (pasta with clams), and fish that have not been cleaned and had their heads on! EEEK! Much to my surprise, the fish was THE most tender fish I have ever eaten! I wish I could make it at home for my family, but they are easily grossed out and definitely wouldn't eat it. The cleaning of the fish was a little icky, but once you got passed that part, it was delicious!

We had a first course of pasta with a simple tomato sauce and then pasta with white clam sauce. For a second course, we had the salt crusted fish with the parsley sauce and some steamed beans with olive oil. Dessert was lemon sorbet with lots of fresh fruit! Needless to say, I was STUFFED. Ah, to live like an Italian!

Orate is a fish commonly found in the Mediterranean. I have never seen it in my supermarket here in the United States, but you can make this recipe with any white fish that has lots of meat! And clams, well you can get those just about anywhere. :)

Let me know if you make either of these so I can tell Alexander!

Did you see the first video I made in Italy? Eggplant parmigiana with Alessandro!

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