Perfect Tri Tip Steak on the Grill with Jason on Dads That Cook

Tri-tip is an awesome and inexpensive cut of beef that grills up juicy and flavorful in a matter of minutes. It's perfect for parties!!

Hey, it's Jason Glover with Dads That Cook. I got a special guest today. This is my nephew, Big Steve. Hey, hey, hey. Meat-gician. Yeah, that's what they call me. Meat-gician? Yeah. Why? I'm just really good with meat. You like meat? Yeah, I like meat a lot. You like meat? I do.
Grab some tri-tips. These ones look great. Tri-tip's great for parties. It's an easy meat to cook and you will get several different wellnesses throughout it because the tips will cook quicker, while the center can be more medium-rare or rare, depending on how you cook it, but then your friends that like their meat a little bit more well-done can still get that as well. So it's a great piece of meat to cook at a party and they're very forgiving as well. Do you use a thermometer, or how ... What's your way-Typically, with tri-tips I've gotten to cook so many over the years that I kind of use the-The hand ... The finger method. Yeah, the finger method. So you get your well-done-Right. ... and then you move down, all the way to rare, and that feeling right there is ... That's rare, you get your medium-rare, you get your medium-Right about there is good. Right about there is good. Yeah, that's what you like? Well-done is the pinky to the thumb.
Yeah, and it's tough, you can feel it. So it's actually an accurate method and I usually do olive oil, give it a little baste, and then salt and pepper. That's it? Yeah, that's it. Strip, salt and pepper. This will help the rub stick to it. A nice little drizzle on there. Give it a little rubbidy-rub. A little rubbidy-rub? Yeah. There you go. There it is. That looks perfect. So a little kosher salt? Yeah, a little kosher salt on here. Not a crazy amount, but enough to give that flavor. Give it a little bit of this. A little pepper. Little pepper. Bingo bango. Little of that there. Oh, yeah, there you go. Oh, yeah. That's it, right? Yeah, that's it. Yeah, we're going to just get it on the gas grill, and we'll do some quarter turns on the marks to we can get that nice cross-grill, and cook it a few minutes per direction, and then, yeah, it'll come off in 15, 20 minutes. And do the finger. And then we can test it. I let it rest and now we're ready to cut into it. All right, so you'll see that right down here, you've got the well-done stuff. Like, that's really well-done, right. Yeah, yeah. That is done. Cut up a little higher and it starts to get more pink. Yeah, yeah. Start to get a little pinky. Yeah. Looks like a medium.
Yeah. We cut into the center here and it's still a little bit more done. It was resting in the grill, so it did heat up a little bit more, but still, it's very juicy. It's very, yeah, juicy. You can see the juices are flowing out of it. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, that's-That's good, right there.
That came out looking nice. That's about perfect. Let me give you a little slice here. Yeah, cut me a ... Look at that. Now that's perfect.
Yeah. Cheers. Dip it in that little sauce there that fell off, a jus.
Well, cheers. Cheers. Cheers. It's good? Oh, yeah.
All you did was put salt and pepper on it, and it wasn't anything beyond that.
Yeah, and olive oil, and that was it. That was it. I mean, that was ... it's so simple.

Jason Glover is the original Dad That Cooks and owns and operates Splash Digital Media. As a Dad and the primary cook for his family, he conceived DTC through his experiences and by talking with other Dads. When fellow Dads shared with Jason theyd love to learn from his own first-hand kitchen experiences, the idea for DTC was born. As the idea continued to keep him up at night he thought, why not leverage his film and video production and comedy background with his love of cooking for his family to become the host of DTC.

Ryan Seacrest move over introducing Jason Glover as the host of Dads That Cook.

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