Potato Omelet with Pepperoni Slices Recipe by SooperChef

Potato Omelet with Pepperoni Slices is one delicious notion for your breakfast. Try out this healthy and nutritious remedy with K&N's Pepperoni Slices and give a twist to your regular omelet. Let us how this Potato Omelet with Pepperoni Slices turned out.

#PotatoOmelet #PepperoniOmelet #SooperChef

Potato Omelet with Pepperoni Slices
Ingredients for Potato Mixture:
Olive oil 3 tbsp
Oil 2 tbsp
Onion (julienne) 1 cup
Potatoes (thinly sliced) 1 cup
Egg 6
Salt 1 tsp / to taste
Paprika powder 1 tsp
White pepper powder 1 tsp
Garlic powder 1 tsp
K&Ns Pepperoni Slices (half cut) 588 g (1 cup)
Fresh parsley (chopped) for garnishing

1. In a pan heat olive oil and add onion. Let it cook for a minute.
2. Then add sliced potatoes and cook for 2-3 minutes. Turn off flame and set aside.
3. Thaw K&Ns Pepperoni Slices as per instructions on the pack and cut into half.
4. Add eggs in a bowl and whisk it well. Add cooked potato onion mixture, K&Ns Pepperoni Slices, garlic powder, paprika powder, white pepper, salt and mix well.
5. Then heat olive oil in a pan and add eggs and potatoes mixture to it. Cook each side for 3-4 mins or until potatoes are done. garnish it with parsley.
7. Your Potato Omelet with Pepperoni is ready to serve.
Prep time: 15 mins
Cooking time: 10 mins
Servings: 3 - 4
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