Proscuitto and Mango Wrapped Asparagus Recipe by Rockin Robin

Need a great appetizer? Try this proscuitto wrapped asparagus recipe. It has fresh mango, a little cream cheese all wrapped together and roasted.
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This dish makes a wonderful appetizer or side dish or snack. It's easy to make and very healthy. It fits with a paleo or gluten free diet.

15 about 1 lbs. asparagus spears, medium size
1/3 lb. proscuitto, thinly sliced and cut into 2 inch wide strips
1 mango, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch wide spears
3 to 4 fresh basil leaves, chiffonade
1 Tbsp. dried onion flakes
2/3 cup softened cream cheese
olive oil

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.

Wash and trim asparagus and then pat dry.

Boil a pan of water and place the asparagus in to blanch for:
Pencil size: 1 minute or not at all
Medium size: 1 1/2 minutes
Fat size: 2 minutes

Immediately put the asparagus in an ice water bath to stop the cooking process. Once cool, remove asparagus to a paper towel covered plate and pat dry.

Next prepare the cream cheese filling. Add the onion flakes and chiffonade basil to the cream cheese. Chiffonade is really just chopping the basil into small pieces.

Mix the onion, basil and cream cheese until well combined and set aside.

Take the proscuitto and slice into 2 inch wide by 6 inch long pieces.

Now to assemble:

Brush baking pan with a coating of olive oil.

Take one asparagus spear and spoon some cream cheese mix onto the spear say 4 inches across. Add a mango spear and then roll the proscuitto around the spear candy cane style so that the proscuitto covers most of the asparagus.

This way you will get cream cheese, mango and proscuitto in every bite!

Place on a baking sheet and continue until all asparagus are rolled.

Brush each tip and end of asparagus so they stay moist.

Bake in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes.

Try this and leave me a comment about it!

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Rockin Robin
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Music by Kevin MacLead
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