puffed அரிசி உப்புமா - Dakshin Foodz | Dakshin Food - Tamil

puffed அரிசி உப்புமா - Amma Samayal

Here are some health benefits of eating poha:

1. Controls Blood Sugar Levels and good for diabetics
2. Low In Calories and a good Probiotic
3. A Good Source Of Healthy Carbohydrates
4. Easily Digestible and Rich In Iron

Suggestion: You can make your poha healthier and more nutritious by cooking it in olive oil or coconut oil or sesame oil and by adding more vegetables like carrot and green peas to it. You may even make it protein-rich by throwing in some soya bean chunks. Indian poha is quite a rockstar on the health front and must be included more often in your diet.
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