RAW FOOD DIET JUICER RECIPES - Apple Carrot Parsley Lemon Ginger!

http://SHOP.life-regenerator.com * http://JUICERS.life-regenerator.com

Free Juicing RecipesRaw Food Weight LossVegetable Juice RecipesRaw Vegetable DietVegetable Juicing

AppleCarrotParsleyLemon & Ginger Juice

* I n g r e d i e n t s *
3 Apples
6 Carrots
2 bunches Parsley
1 Lemon
2 inches Ginger

* P r e p a r a t i o n *
1) Run all ingredients through your Breville juicer, or whatever the best juicer is for you. http://JUICER.life-regenerator.com

2) Add ice if desired, and enjoy!

**** Stream of Consciousness ****
positive thinking
positive thoughts
energy picked up
i feel great
i feel good
i feel energized
i feel alive
my walk was uplifting
am i here to teach you?
no, you are here to teach me!
i learn from it
and i grow from it
i listen to my own advice
these videos have taught me more about health than any of the other videos out there
it was raining, but the clouds parted
the sun has come out even brighter
never give up on miracles!
the miracles are still now today
it is all one giant miracle,
if you get the mind for it!
the whole thing is miracle
you are breathing,
you are alive!
all i see is perfection
so many have parades about what is wrong with the world
but i have everything here to help me grow spiritually, physically & emotionally
but i have total support from the universe
dan, here is the next step
here is what you need to do to keep growing
so keep on growing!
never give up!
so I don't care about those who may call me skinny,
as I know most of you love me,
and I'm just going to keep on going.
there is one thing I got going,
and that is that I am never going to give up!
I am going to release... all the crap...
the physical, the emotional, the mental...
and not just the personal ego,
but the collective ego as well!
God is not the content of what is on the Earth
God is the infinite field, all the love & the peace
The truth is very simple, my friends
The Universe will guide you...


Love, Dan
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