Raw Walk and Talk AMA 2

Enjoy my second Walk and Talk AMA - Ask me Anything for the Ultimate Raw Vegan Bundle, Heads Up less than 2 days left to get 33 Brand New Never Before Released raw vegan ebooks/courses worth over $840 for just $50, only until 11:59 pm PST May 12th - https://bit.ly/RawVeganBundle

This was a lot of fun; we went into lots of topics ranging from my favorite fruits and vegetables smoothies and meals and why, to understanding melon belly and how to prevent it, why I live in Sweden, the tropics vs subtropics and temperate climates as a raw foodist and so much more

Let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed this, and if enough people do, then I will do more!

Thanks to everyone who joined in for the fun, thought-provoking questions, as always wishing you much PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

PS Don't forget to check out and grab the bundle while you can, only until 11:59 pm PST May 12th - https://bit.ly/RawVeganBundle
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