RECIPE: Raw Vegan Italian Mushroom Pizza

Day 193 Raw Vegan

30 Day Meal Plan with Recipes. Eat how I eat:
52 To a New You Guide to help you go raw vegan here:

Recipe time! I love making these videos! Hope you enjoy - and remember, you can change up the recipe all you like, add less or more of ingredients depending on your tastes!! Adjust flavours to your heart's content!!

To make:
1) Start by scooping out the insides of as many portobello mushrooms or brown crimini mushrooms that you want for little baby pizzas. For instance, I can easily eat 2-3 large portobellos OR about 10-15 mini crimini mushroom pizza bites! The pizza bites are great for kids!
2) Once you have scooped the insides of all your mushrooms, proceed to chop the insides into fine tiny pieces. Place in a bowl and coat with about a tbsp of coconut aminos and himalayan pink salt for added flavour. You don't need to do this - you can use date sauce (date/apple cider vinegar/garlic/water) or whatever you desire. Set aside to marinate while you make the tomato sauce and cashew topping. If you have any extra left over mushroom centres, you can set them aside and use them for my Mushroom Zucchini Stuffed Red Peppers the next day!
3) Coat your mushroom caps with coconut aminos so they don't get too dry in the dehydrator later. If you don't want to use coconut aminos, you can use water or apple cider vinegar, or nothing at all! Keep in mind they do dry out on the edges if you don't use anything. I am a low fat raw vegan, but another option is a little bit of olive oil just on the edges to keep them moist. I do not use olive oil, but I'm giving another option for those that do.
4) The marinara will be about 15 sundried tomatoes, 5 dates, a clove of garlic, about a cup of cherry tomatoes, 1tsp of apple cider vinegar, fresh oregano! and basil if you want too! Season to desired taste with smoked paprika, salt and anything else you might like. Blend with water in a high speed blender until smooth like tomato paste. Set aside.
5) The cheezy sauce on top will be 1/4 cup soaked cashews, 3 dates, 1tsp apple cider vinegar, garlic, cayenne and salt if you want. Taste this and add anything else you want. To make the sauce thicker, you can also add some of the extra mushroom centres if you have any left OR add half of a red pepper - this makes it even tastier! Blend in a high speed blender until smooth and set aside. *note - if you have a favourite "raw cheeze" recipe that you love, you can use that instead as well - like I say, mix it up!
6) Assemble your pizzas! You can put anything you like inside, but I love to have green onion or red onion chopped, and use some zucchini for the "pepperoni". Start with the tomato paste, add zucchini or other vegetable. Fill with the soaked mushroom pieces that you had marinating earlier and top with the cashew cheese!
7) Dress them up with dried oregano and onion! You can even use basil leaves, smoked paprika or sliced tomatoes if you wanted. Switch it up, try different variations! Get creative!
8) Place them in the dehydrator and let them warm up for about 30-45 minutes. You can certainly leave them in longer if you want them a little drier. The longer they sit, the more intense the flavours. I wouldn't let them in there for more than 90 minutes though. Plan ahead :)

Enjoy! xo

Comment if you have questions, and you can find me all over social media too:


Fruit on!! xo Lissa
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