2 cups calrose rice
1/3 cup olive oil
1 cup hot water
2 cups tomato sauce*
tbsp salt
tsp black pepper

(*) Fairies Cuisine, Homemade tomato sauce or 2 large tomatoes; peeled, diced and reduced


Using a strainer, thoroughly rinse the rice with cold water to wash off the excess starch.
If you use fresh tomatoes, peel, dice, and reduce the tomatoes in a pot at medium heat

Pour 1/3 cup of olive oil into a medium-sized pot
Add the rice to the heated oil and cook for 7 to 8 minutes at medium heat; stir regularly until grains become slightly translucent
Add 1 cup of hot water and 2 cups of tomato sauce
Give it a good stir
Add tbsp. of salt, tsp of black pepper and stir to separate the remaining clumps of rice
Cover with a lid and bring the contents to a boil
Then, turn down the heat to the lowest setting cook for ~20 minutes

Generally, pilav is cooked without stirring. However, tomato sauce burns easily if the mixture is not stirred regularly. So, thoroughly stir the Red Pilav every 2 minutes while it is cooking to avoid burning the bottom

Cook the pilav until all the liquid is absorbed
Then, turn off the heat and flatten the surface of the rice. Place a paper towel over the pilav and cover with a lid.
Let the pilav rest for 15-20 minutes

Before serving, fluff the pilav to release the steam; mix gently
Then, transfer it to a serving plate
The Red PIlav has very rich flavor and nutrition
It is the prefect complement to sea food, vegetables, meat, and chicken

Enjoy it!

Bon Appetite!

Note: It is recommended that you do not warm the Pilav several times as a whole. It is better to warm up the pilav into a smaller portion size in a separated cup. If you find the recipe is very large for you, then do a half size by decreasing the measurements by half

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