Lu Rou Fan with Ramen Egg (Taiwanese Braised Pork Rice) -

Ingredients below Lu Rou Fan (Braised Pork Rice) is one of our favourite things to eat when we visit Taiwan, they serve them in small little bowls and you get to a Lu Dan (braised egg) or a sunny side up along with it. We recreated ours with one aim, which is when you taste it, your lips will somewhat get coated with a natural lip gloss from the collagen that is rendered from the pork skin and pork belly into the sauce.

Instead of a Lu Dan (braised egg) we decide to pair ours with a ramen / candied heart egg.When cooked with the right timing, when you break into the egg the runny yolk combines with the Lu Rou and steam rice its just too much! The Ramen eggs pair well with other dishes too, who can resist the bite of a flavorful runny egg.

#themeatmensg #simple #delicious #luroufan #ramenegg #dabomb #runnyegg

600g pork belly
200g pork skin
30g minced garlic
10g ginger (sliced)
1 cinnamon stick
2 star anise
cup Hua Tiao wine
cup dark soy sauce
2 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp sesame oil
20g rock sugar
1 tsp five spice powder
500 ml water
150g shallot (sliced)
200g oil (for deep frying shallots)

Ramen Egg:
8 eggs (60g eggs)
1 cup water
cup light soy sauce
cup mirin
cup sake
cup sugar
1 tbsp salt
Full recipe:

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