Sabudana Khichdi/Sago Khichdi/Javvarisi upma/Kichadi | Gayathiri's Cookbook

Sabudana khichadi is a traditional indian dish made from soaked sabudana pearls. It is one of the most popular dish consumed on fasting days(without onions).
It’s a well balanced meal.

Sabudana/Javvarisi-1 cup
Roasted peanuts-1/4 cup(to make powder)
Oil-2 teaspoon
Mustard seeds-1/2 teaspoon
Uraddal-1 teaspoon
Channadal-1 teaspoon
Green chillies-3
Curry leaves- for seasoning
Peanuts- 2 tablespoon(for seasoning)
Peas-1/2 cup
Carrots-1/2 cup
Turmeric powder-1/2 teaspoon
Salt-3/4 teaspoon
Hing-A pinch
Grated coconut- 2 tablespoon

1.Soak 1 cup of sabudana for 6-8 hours. Wash it several times until you get a clear liquid.Drain the water and keep it aside.
2. Grind 1/4 cup roasted peanuts into coarse powder.
3. Heat 2 teaspoon oil.Add mustard seeds and allow them to splutter.
4. Add uraddal, channadal and green chillies. Saute until dal turns golden brown.
5. Add onion, curry leaves and roasted peanuts.Saute for 2 minutes.Then add 1/2 cup peas, 1/2 cup carrots, turmeric powder, salt and hing.Cook until the vegetables are soft.
6. Add soaked sabudana, mix it gently.
7. Close the lid, and cook for 3-4 minutes on medium flame.
8. Add grated coconut and peanut powder. Mix it gently without mashing the sabudana.

Sabudana Khichdi is ready!!

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