Sakkarai Pongal & Pattani Sundal-Navarathiri-Day 4 Prasadham | Gayathiri's Cookbook

Navrathiri is a nine days festival dedicated to goddess Durga.During these 9 nights and 10 days, goddess Durga is worshipped in 9 different forms.Numerous rituals are followed during Navratri. These rituals vary from state to state and within a state region to region.During Navratri, various dolls are collected and displayed in multiple steps for public viewing. The displaying of dolls during "Golu festival" is so popular that it is also known as doll festival.

In South India, apart from public display of dolls, 9 days of Navratri are divided into three equal numbers of days. Goddess Durga as Kali is worshipped during the first 3 days of Navratri. After Goddess Durga, for next 3 days Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity is worshipped. During the last 3 day of Navratri Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of learning and knowledge is worshipped.
Each day of the festival stands for an auspicious colour, which is dedicated to all the avatars of the Goddess.

Navarathiri-Day 4 Prasadham
Sakkarai Pongal & Pattani Sundal

Ingredients for Sakkarai pongal:
Raw rice- 1/2 cup
Moongdal- 1 tbsp
Water- 1 cup
Milk- 3/4 cup
Jaggery- 3/4 cup
Ghee- 2 tbsp
Cashews- 6

Directions for Sakkarai pongal:
1.Dry roast 1/2 cup rice and 1 tbsp moong dal for 2 minutes.Pressure cook this with 1 cup water and 3/4 cup milk for upto 4 whistles.
2.Boil 3/4 cup jaggery with little water.When the jaggery syrup comes to a rolling boil, add the mashed rice mixture.
3.Add cardamom and 2 tsp ghee.Keep it on low flame until pongal has become thick.
4. Roast the cashews and raisins in ghee until golden brown and then add it to the pongal.Switch off the heat.
Sakkarai pongal is ready!!

Ingredients for Pattani sundal:
Pattani- 1/2 cup
Oil- 2tsp
Mustard seeds- 1/2 tsp
salt- 1/2 tsp
Uraddal- 1 tsp
Green chillies- 3
Grated ginger- 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves- for garnishing
Coconut pieces-1/4 cup
Finely cut mango pieces-1/4 cup

Directions for Pattani sundal:
1. Soak 1/2 cup pattani in water for 6 hours.Pressure cook pattani with salt for upto 4 whistles.Strain the water and keep it aside.
2.Heat 2 tsp oil. Add 1/2 tsp mustard seeds, 1 tsp uraddal, 3 green chillies and 1/2 tsp grated ginger.Saute until dal turns golden brown.
3. Add cooked green peas and curry leaves. Stir well. Switch off the heat.
4. Finally add cut mango pieces and coconut pieces.
Pattani sundal is ready!!
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