Sambal Kang Kong -

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Sambal kangkong is a dish that doesn't need much prep and looks deceptively simple. BUT, heres a tip we figured out. The wok has to be SMOKING hot when the kangkong goes in! Fry a small portion at a time and dont be greedy because the moment too much kangkong hits the wok, the temperature lowers and your stir fry becomes soup!

Only add a splash of water near the end and serve once the kangkong starts to wilt. Do it right and an amazing treat awaits you! AND yes and do not burn your sambal!!! Do take note our version is really spicy, switch the chili pardis in the recipe to normal chilli if you want a less spicy version.

#themeatmensg #zichar #sambal #kangkong #smokingwok #stirfry

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