San Remo Fresh Pappardelle with Walnuts, Rocket and Parmesan - 2011 TVC Featuring Adam Swanson | SanRemoPasta

Looking to create a delicious pasta dish and want to try something different? Look no further! Try San Remo Fresh Pappardelle with Walnuts, Rocket and Parmesan ( Created by Australian Chef and Restuarateur Adam Swanson, this dish can be served on any occasion with only a few simple changes. For a weeknight delight add olive oil to a pan with walnuts. Stir in the fresh San Remo Egg Pappardelle and finish with rocket and parmesan. For something a little more special, substitute rocket for truffle oil and serve this dish at your next dinner party. You will become flavour of the month! Be sure to share it with your friends.

Click here to learn how to create both versions of this delicious dish using a step-by-step recipe (

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