Self Care & the Meaning of L.I.F.E. with Certified Humor Professional Sporty King HPC: E67

Calling all busy parents!

If you've ever gotten to the end of the day and wondered if you forgot how to "talk nice" to your kids...

If you've ever read all the "self-care" recommendations and thought deep inside, "That's selfISH..."

If you thought taking time for yourself was actually for YOU...

...You need to listen to this quick interview with my friend Sporty, who has the best perspective on the meaning of L.I.F.E., how to F.O.C.U.S., and why we all already have H.O.P.E. but we might not know it!

Sporty King is many things, including uncle of 30, master speaker, and CHP: Certified Humor Professional. Today he's drawing on his life experience and acronym mastery to remind us that like on an airplane, you can't take care of others if you can't breathe yourself.

I know you'll love his humor, his description of the 2 best parenting handbooks, and why "filling your own tank" isn't an "option."

Through his work with deploying military families through the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration program, he says the most important qualities to build in our kids are:

1. Trust
2. Commitment
3. Transparency

Find out how to do that in your family and show up as the best parent you can be in this video!

Sporty King, Uncle, CHP, ACS/CL, is an uncle, master speaker, best hugger in the Eastern time zone, and also a CHP: Certified Humor Professional. His motto that he shouts to the world is, "How I feel affects other people!!!"

He currently works with the military through the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program, supporting the mental health of our troops and their families before and after deployment. He had a "real job" for 18 years at the Wall Street Journal and continues to use his writing and humor skills through poetry to help people become better listeners, have personal and professional success, and enjoy their lives. He's also a master acronym and mnemonic creator (that's an AMC if you're following), and I guarantee he will drop some phrases during the next 20 minutes that you won't be able to forget!

Find him for your next event or just some great joyful memes at!

View some more stress mastery interviews here:
Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

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