SINGAPORE HAWKER FOOD Yi Ji Confinement Palace () Old Airport Road Food Centre

After her 3-year experience as a confinement nanny, Ms Lim started her hawker business for 6 years, offering postpartum confinement food.

Her dishes are loved not just by ladies, men alike enjoy her classic Vinegar Pigs Trotter () , Sesame Oil Chicken () and Residue Rice Wine Chicken ().

Large amounts of ginger and Hua Diao wine are used in the dishes. In addition to her usual dishes, she offers custom-made ones upon customers' requests.

Did you know?
Confinement is the period (around 1-2 months) for a mother's body to recuperate from childbirth and restore strength. Large amounts of ginger, wine and sesame oil are used by the Chinese in a postpartum diet to condition the body for recovery and to boost milk production.

Operating hours:
12.30pm - 8.30pm
Closed on Mon

Old Airport Road Food Centre #01-147

E.R.F. from

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