SINGAPORE HAWKER FOOD Zhen Zhen Porridge () Maxwell Food Centre

Uncle Kiang is the third generation of Zhen Zhen Porridge. The sole person continuing the family business, Uncle Kiang currently has 1 helper with him. Unfortunately, the porridge business has no inheritance and might cease operations after him.

Zhen Zhen Porridge is one of the many stalls that operated in China Street in the 1900s.

The business starts preparations at 4am, when most of the world is still sound asleep. Like many other hawkers we interviewed in our previous videos, Uncle Kiang gets up very early to prepare for the day. He could be so busy that he doesnt get a chance to visit the restroom, or have a meal after business starts. We appreciate the tireless efforts of these hawkers, who have cooked delicious food for us.

Zhen Zhens porridge has an abundant amount of ingredients. It offers you a comforting bowl that is sure to fill you up and get you ready for the day! Their thick, creamy porridge is added with a touch of fried shallots and preserved radish, that bring back nostalgic traditional flavours.

Operating hours:
0530H - 1330H
Closed on Tue, Thu

Maxwell Food Centre #01-54

Perception from

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