Smoked Brisket - How to Smoke Brisket Dads That Cook

Marc shares his secrets to a flavorful Smoked Brisket Recipe and homemade Baked Mac n Cheese!

Plus, he slaps down a fresh baked Creamy Coconut Cream Pie too! It was an incredible meal that is super simple to make. Try it out and leave us a comment to let us know how you enjoyed it ;)


All right, welcome to "Dads That Cook". Jason Glover here, and I've got an awesome guest here today, Marc Drucker. It's nice to meet you Marc. Nice to meet you as well. You mainly cook all the time, right? I do all the cooking. So, about five-ish days a week, I do all the cooking in my house. My wife doesn't enjoy it as much as me, is probably the diplomatic way of putting it. Your wife, what's her name? My wife's name is Robyn. And your daughter? Is Hannah. And your daughter is a student? A student. That would be fitting for an 11-year-old. She plays the flute. She's in Spanish immersion. So she's bilingual and biliterate. She loves animals more than anything on earth. Cool. Yes. Wow, great. Like, just crazy about animals. So, today I'm making a smoke brisket, which will smoke for a number hours and then braise for a little bit and then fall apart tender, yummy; a baked, homemade, scratch mac and cheese with a yummy, cheesy, bechamel sauce; coleslaw, coconut crme pie.
Sounds like we're having barbecue day. Speaks for my southern California-Southern. ... heritage. I'm from the south. Yeah, I can't wait. This is going to be tasty. Yeah. Anyway, awesome. We've got something that you've got to wear. Okay. All right. I've got your chef coat. That's great. I am completely in love with this. This one even has your name on it. I know. I like that. It's Chef Marc. And it's spelled correctly-And it's spelled- ... Which is a stretch for some people. See, I told you I can read. Not totally. Thank you very much.
You're very welcome. Why don't we go and check out what you're going to make? Perfect. Awesome.
Alright. So, we're in the kitchen with Chef Marc and we are going to make this brisket now. Please run us through your process. My process is to get a big piece of meat. Big piece of meat. This is six pounds. And then, I like to trim it down a little, take off some of the fat even though some of it will render out. I take a knife and I score it in a cross hatch about like inch-by-inch- Okay. ... or an- Like a square. ... inch-and-a-half-by-inch-and-a-half. Because if you don't, once it starts cooking ... because the fat is tight, it just shrinks up into this like, knuckle. I inject it with beef broth to kind of keep it moist inside. That'll just- You don't use that for other things do you?
I'm not saying I do- Wow. ... and I'm not saying I don't. Just squeeze it in there, huh? Whoa, that's crazy. You can see, as you're doing it, that it's kind of plumping up. Right. So, the rub is a lot of pepper, garlic powder, some onion powder, some mustard power, a little sugar, a little bit of salt, some cayenne, and you put that on, then you throw it on the smoker and have a beer. And have a beer. At eight o'clock in the morning. Well, yeah. Of course. Yeah. And I tend to be a little more generous, a little liberal with the rub, because again, it's only going to be on the skin and you want it to kind of cook through the meat. Look at that. Flip it over. Wow, you're going to go double-sided here, huh? Oh, yeah. You're really living on the edge today, Marc. Yeah. You know, it's all gambling. It's electric smoker, which, again, means I don't have to sit and wait- Right. And I don't have to tend it. It's got an electric thermostat so it just keeps it dialed in at exactly the temperature that I want it to be. What temperature is that? So, I do it between 225 and 250 and when it gets maybe close to the time where I'm going to pull it, sometimes I leave it on the smoke setting which is about 150 degrees, and all it does is it just smokes and smokes and smokes. Smoke.
How cool is this thing? And just let it sit, for hours. For hours. I'll come check it in about an hour, hour-and-a-half. And if it's running a little fast, I'll turn it down. Because you want enough smoke to get in there. Sure.
When you first started smoking, did you ever kill a piece of meat? Did you ever make it into shoe leather? Grilling, yes. Smoking, no. Because you're doing it for such a protracted amount of time. It's almost mistake-proof. As long as you're keeping the temperature of the smoker low enough, you're really not going to overcook anything.
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