Soup Stock Tokyo - A Soup Lover's Paradise! | Japanese Eats

Soup Stock Tokyo was born in Tokyo in 1999. As the most famous soup oriented restaurant in Tokyo, they provides easy yet delicious meals to city dwellers to suit their busy lifestyles. Operating like a fast food chain, they serve a huge selection of soups, curries and congees (which rotates daily), as well as a wide array of original seasonal offerings.

Soup Stock quickly became our comfort food while staying in Tokyo. They use no additives or MSG, and the freshness of their ingredients (many which are sourced from local farms), along with the perfect soup elements and seasoning makes this place a no-brainer for those cool winter mornings brunches or when you have a craving for a hearty snack or meal. Their curries are also quick delicious, so definitely make your order a soup+curry combo if you are a curry lover!


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