Soy Eu Tua Coffee Shop - Charming Neighbourhood Shophouse Kopitiam

Located at the junction of Upper East Coast Road and Jalan Tua Kong, Soy Eu Tua Coffee Shop is a favourite go-to place for residents in the East of Singapore. The 7 hawker-style stalls offer splendid choices ranging from chicken/char siew rice, Nasi Padang, noodles, kueh and dessert. Nasi Ulam, a dish rarely found in Singapore, is also offered here.

The video features 4 stalls - Grandfather Carrot Cake, Nor's Nasi Padang, Chendol Melaka and the beverage.

GRANDFATHER CARROT CAKE, established in 1990, has 3 dishes on its menu - carrot cake, Char Kway Teow and Hokkien Mee. Helmed by Mr Kodo, the 3rd generation business owner, Mr Kodo makes his own very spicy chilli sauce and fries his own chunky pork lard. These add an old-achool flavour to the intensely infused wok hei dishes.

Opening hours:
7am - 4.30pm
Closed on alternate Mondays

NOR'S NASI PADANG, helmed by Muslim Mr Cheong and his wife Norlina, has a 22-year history. The duo started work as early as 4am, and it takes them 6 hours to finish cooking as they offer a whopping 35 varieties. Breakfast is ready at 5.30am, and popular ones are Mee Rebus, Mee Siam and Lontong. Working non-stop, the couple runs against time to get their cuisines ready for lunch. Their signatures are Assam Pedas, coriander chicken, sambal fish with petai, sambal prawn, cuttlefish and many more. Be prepared to queue at lunch, and be there early as the stall usually sells out by 1pm.

Opening hours:
5.30am - 1pm
Closed on Mondays

CHENDOL MELAKA offers Nasi Ulam, a unique rice herb salad that consists of 17 ingredients. Herbs like laksa leaf, torch ginger flower, lime leaf, turmeric leaf, lemon grass, long bean, four-winged beans are used. These are finely shredded and added to basmati rice. Flaked fried Ikan Tenggiri and mini shrimps that add a slight crustacean touch are also tossed with the mixture together with a special paste. The result is a light, refreshing bowl! Finish off your meal with Melaka-style Chendol and kuehs.

Opening hours:
9am - 5pm
Closed on Mondays

Watch the video for a glimpse of the delicacies offered by the stalls. Brought to you by HappyCat..

15 Upper East Coast Road, Singapore 455207

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):


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