Spicy Yoghurt Chicken Salad

Tender chicken, a creamy dressing and crunchy veg...

This Spicy Chicken Salad is high in protein, low in carbs and packed with flavour... YUM!


For the salad:

2chicken breasts, butterflied
yellow pepper,deseeded and sliced
red pepper,deseeded and sliced
an onion,sliced
1 tbsp olive oil
3cupslettuce leaves, washed and dried
Extra coriander leaves to garnish
Sour cream,(optional) to serve

For the marinade/dressing:

500g full cream yogurt
1 red chilli, deseeded & finely chopped
Coriander, finely chopped
2 lemons, zest and juice
10g Rajah Curry Powder Medium
2 spring onions, finely chopped
2 tsp Knorr Aromat Naturally Tasty Seasoning


1. Combine the yogurt, chilli, coriander, juice & zest from 1 lemon, Robertsons Rajah spices, spring onion, Aromat Naturally Tasty Seasoning in a large bowl. Reserve half for the dressing.

2. Add the chicken breasts to the rest of the marinade, cover with cling film and place in the fridge for 30 minutes.

3. Grill the marinated chicken breasts on a griddle pan or frying pan for about 5 minutes on each side or until cooked through and browned.

4. Slice the onion and peppers into strips and flash fry in the same pan to add some colour and soften slightly.

5. Slice the cooked chicken into strips and assemble the salad in a large salad bowl with lettuce leaves, an avo rose, peppers, onion strips and chicken.

6. Drizzle with the remaining creamy dressing and serve with coriander to garnish and a dollop of sour cream and lemon wedges.

7. Season with Aromat Naturally Tasty seasoning, serve & ENJOY!
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