Spring Rolos - Spring rolls with rolo chocolate and Nutella

Spring Rolos - The best kind of spring rolls (Click 'show more' for recipe)

This is the most delicious twist to spring rolls ever! These spring rolls are packed with Nutella and Rolo chocolates!


- Rolo chocolates
- Filo Pastry (two sheets per spring roll)
- Nutella
- Melted Butter


1. Seperate two sheets of filo pastry
2. Cut into squares
3. Seperate each squares filo pastry.
4. Brush one of the squares with butter and place the 2nd square back ontop.
5.Add 4-7 Rolo chocolates and a table spoon of Nutella
6. Roll up your spring rolls and brush the outside with a bit of melted butter for extra browning
7. Fry in 3-4cm of oil, make sure the Spring Rolos are not compleatly submerged in oil, as the air bubbles that form will need to escape!
8. Dry and allow to cool for a minute on a paper towel
9. Serve with Whipped cream or Ice-cream
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