Stop Thinking About Nutrition and Build your Kids' Eating Habits Instead with Dina Rose HPC E:32

Dina Rose, PhD, is our guest today on feeding our kids healthily, and she says she's not actually against the lollipop at the doctor's...(insert shock here?)...BUT she still would take it away from her crying daughter!

Why? She has a real issue with dealing with emotion through food, and we talk about that today in this incredible interview that will push your boundaries (and change the way food looks in your house if you listen well).

Here's just a bit of what you'll learn:

* Why the discussion about healthy eating isn't just about healthy food but about why, when, where, and how much you eat.
* Why parents who KNOW they shouldn't bribe their kids with food or make them clear their plates often do it anyway (and how to reform).
* She calls sugar the USDA's crazy old aunt that they're hiding in the attic and not talking about. I love it!
* Do you use the words "balance" when you talk about food? Dina tells us to ditch that term for 3 simple habits: variety, proportion and moderation. But don't miss her definitions, because "moderation" probably isn't what you think.
* Yes, we should actually have a cookie on there if the "MyPlate" image was to be improved.
* How what we feed our kids trains their taste buds, and how to make sure we present foods in their proper "categories" to train our kids' HABITS.
* Why we shouldn't feed our kids every time they say they're hungry. It's about fear, and it's GREAT advice!
* Got a picky eater who won't let you serve healthy food? Dina has a whole process for you, too, and it's NOT about eating.

Resources We Mention

Dina's book: It's Not About the Broccoli:
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