Stressed, Distracted Moms Need Extra Focus on Forming Secure Attachments with Dr. Apigian HPC: E85

I thought I'd be interviewing Dr. Aimie about "trauma kids," like foster kids and adoptions and kids who have gone through horrific tragedies.

Turns out 70-80% of adults need this info and likely more of our kids than that!
:o :o :o

This interview was recorded back in the fall, but what a timely message when everyone is feeling more anxiety than usual -- for the good of our kids, we need to take time to slow down for them.

"Insecure attachment" can be caused by anything from our genetics to NICU time (or even a rough birth) to a stressed out or distracted mom. (Are you on your phone right now? Are your kids in the room?) Yikes!

Sometimes it looks like rages and tantrums, sometimes it's learning and focus issues, and it often leads to depression as kids get older.

But there's GREAT hope because insecure attachments can be fixed, and M-O-M is the most important person to make it happen.

In today's truly fascinating interview Dr. Aimie and I cover:

* How her adopted son helped her find her true passion in healthcare (and her own health problems brought her to functional medicine).
* Why this isn't a niche topic just for kids with obvious trauma -- and why insecure attachment is increasing at epidemic rates!
* Definitions: What IS trauma, attachment disorder, insecure attachment?
* Who should consider attachment recovery, especially if "emotional regulation" is an issue
* Why even a babywearing mama may have a child with an insecure attachment
* How trauma and insecure attachment affects kids' lives
* What parents can DO to heal kids from attachment trauma
* Why mom must be a leader, even if she has to wear a crown around the house
* Why love can't just fix these situations (hint: Love does not equal safety)
* The vital role of food and nutrition in Dr. Aimie's healing programs
* How CONNECTION and CREATIVITY work together in a trauma healing journey

Resources for Building Secure Attachments
* Dr. Aimie's website and courses:
* Resources to help you master your own stress and emotions:
* Stress mastery part one and part two
* My stress mastery course:
* Interview with Dr. Heidi Hanna on stress sensitivity:

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

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