Sundaikai/Sunda Kathirikai Araithuvitta Vathakulambhu | Gayathiri's Cookbook

Sundaikai/ Sunda Kathirikai Araithuvitta Vathakulambhu

This is a very traditional and authentic South Indian recipe. You can prepare this with any type of vathals (eg. Manathakkali (wonderberry), Sundaikai (turkey berry), Kathirikkai vathal, kothavarangai vathal etc..).

Turkey berry has lots of medicinal values. It can help prevent anemia, lower blood pressure and promote immunity. It has a taste which is more on the bitter side, but when cooked in the right way, it will taste great.

Sundaikai (Turkey berry)- 1/4 cup
Kathirikai (dried brinjal) vathal - 1/4 cup (optional)
Sesame oil- 1/2 cup
Tamarind- one gooseberry size
Red chillies-5
Coriander seeds- 2 teaspoons
Cumin seeds-1/2 teaspoon
Black pepper seeds-1/2 teaspoon
Fenugreek seeds- 1/2 teaspoon
Channadal-2 teaspoons
Uraddal- 3 teaspoons
Garlic cloves-4 (optional)
Mustard seeds- 1/2 teaspoon
Pearl onions-10
Curry leaves
Turmeric powder- 1/2 teaspoon
Salt-1/2 teaspoon
Red chilly powder- 2 teaspoons
Coriander powder- 2 teaspoons
Fennel seeds powder- 1 teaspoon
Jaggery- a small piece


1. Soak tamarind in hot water for 15 minutes. Extract the juice and set aside.
2. Sauté 4 red chillies, 2 tsp coriander seeds, 1/2 tsp cumin seeds, 1/2 tsp black pepper seeds, 1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds, 2 tsp channadal, 2 tsp uraddal, and 4 garlic cloves (optional) in 2 tbsp sesame oil. Grind them into a fine paste. Set aside.
3.Roast 1/4 cup Dried Sundaikai and Kathirikai Vathal in oil until well roasted. Set aside.
4.Heat 3 tablespoons of sesame oil. Add 1/2 tsp mustard seeds, 1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds, 1 tsp uraddal and 1 red chilly .Saute until dal turns golden brown.
5 Add 10 pearl onions and Sauté until onion is translucent.
6. Add 2 tomatoes and curry leaves. Sauté until tomatoes are soft.
7.Add 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 1/2 tsp salt (little), 2 tsp red chilli powder, 2 tsp coriander powder and 1 tsp fennel seeds powder ..sauté the masalas for a minute.
Then add the tamarind pulp. When the raw smell disappears, add the ground paste. Let it come to a boil.
8. Add 2 cups of water and fried vathals. Keep it on low flame for 5-7 minutes.
9. Add little jaggery and mix well. Switch off the flame.

Araithuvitta vathakulambhu is ready!!!
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