Super Cheesy Rice Crust Pizza

A gluten-free alternative to traditional pizza dough... So clever!


For the Rice Pizza Crust:

1 cup Spekko Saman White Long Grain Rice
Salt to taste
2 cups water
cup yoghurt
cup mozzarella cheese, grated
3 egg yolks

For the toppings:

2 tbsp tomato paste
Mayonnaise to taste
1 cup shredded rotisserie chicken
cup ham
cup mushrooms, sliced
Red onion, sliced
cup sliced green pepper
cup mozzarella, grated
Fresh parsley to garnish


1. Cook rice according to the pack instructions and add salt to taste.

2. Mix the yogurt and egg yolks together. Add them to the rice & mix.

3. Once combined add the grated mozzarella and stir to combine.

4. Line a baking sheet with baking paper.

5. Spoon the rice mixture onto a greased pizza pan (a baking sheet will work perfectly too) and use a spatula to press into the tray to the edges.

6. Bake for 20 minutes at 180C until crisp and slightly browned.

7. Spread the tomato paste over the top of the pizza, followed by the shredded rotisserie chicken, ham, mushrooms, red onion and green pepper. Drizzle generously with mayonnaise and top with mozzarella cheese

8. Bake for a further 10 minutes until golden & crispy.

9. Remove from the oven, sprinkle with fresh parsley, slice & serve. ENJOY!
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