Super Creamy Sides 3 Ways

Silky smooth gravy
Super creamy mashed potato
Creamiest ever creamed spinach

Creamiest Ever Mashed Potatoes

Serves 6


6 large potatoes
cup water
3 tbsp NESTL Cremora Original Milk Substitute
2 tbsp butter
Salt & pepper, to taste


1. Peel and chop the potatoes roughly.

2. Cover the potatoes with salted water in a medium pot and bring to a boil over high heat.

3. Reduce the heat to a low and simmer for 15 minutes or until potatoes are just soft and cooked through.

4. Drain the water and mash the potatoes in the warm pot.

5. Combine the cup of water with the NESTL Cremora Original Milk Substitute and whisk well.

6. Whisk the Cremora mixture and butter into the mashed potatoes until soft and fluffy. Season to taste.

Serving Suggestion:

1. Serve the mashed potatoes as a side to sliced gammon, broccolini & glazed carrot and ENJOY!

Creamiest Creamed Spinach

Serves: 8 portions


2 tbsp butter
2 small onions, finely diced
3 cloves garlic, crushed
10 cups (400g) baby spinach, washed
1 cup water
3 tbsp NETSL Cremora Original Milk Substitute
1 tbsp cornflour
Pinch of nutmeg
Salt and Pepper, to taste


1. Preheat the oven to 180.

2. Melt the butter on a medium/low heat in a medium saucepan.

3. Add the onion & crushed garlic and saut until soft, 5-7 minutes.

4. Cut the baby spinach into strips and stir through the onions, 1 cup at a time until wilted.

5. Mix 3 tablespoons of water with the NESTL Cremora milk substitute to form a paste. Add the cornflour and rest of the water, mix well and add to the spinach.

6. Stir well & simmer until slightly reduced and thickened. Add the pinch of nutmeg and season to taste.

Serving Suggestion:

1. Serve the creamed spinach as a side to roast chicken breasts with butternut wedges, baby potatoes and ENJOY!

Silky Smooth Gravy

Serves: 8


2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp cake flour
3 cups lamb stock
1 sprig of fresh rosemary
3 tbsp water
3 tbsp NESTL Cremora Original Milk Substitute


1. In a medium saucepan, melt the butter over a medium heat. Add in the flour and whisk well.

2. Slowly pour in the lamb stock, while stirring constantly. Add in the rosemary and simmer for 15 20 minutes until the flavours are infused and the liquid has reduced by half.

3. Whisk together the 3 tablespoons of water with the NESTL Cremora Milk Substitute and stir this into the gravy. Allow to simmer two more minutes, switch off the heat and keep warm until the lamb roast is ready to serve.

4. **Chefs tip: Once the lamb is cooked, strain the leftover lamb juices into the gravy for extra flavour.

Serving Suggestion:

1. Serve the creamy gravy over slices of roasted leg of lamb, roasted potatoes and honeyed carrots and ENJOY!

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