Sweet Corn Soup Recipe | Soup of the day | Eat East Indian

Sweet Corn Soup which was one considered delicacy is now becoming quite common and here is an easy way to prepare this tasty soup at home.

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Ingredients/ Method

2-3 tbsp chopped onions
2-3 tbsp oil ( using Avocado Oil)
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Turmeric
1/2 tsp Roasted Cumin Powder
1 tsp Paprika
1/2 cup Chopped Cabbage- carrot
1 cup sweet corn ( I am using frozen corn)
and 1/2 cup corn to cream
1 tbsp corn starch to thicken the soup (optional)
Seasoning Pepper (per taste)- Recommended 1/2 tsp
Green Onions for garnish

Fry onions in hot oil along with spices for 3-4 mins.
Add cabbage/carrots and saute well.
Next, add corn. Give it 2-3 mins.
Blend half cup of corn with water to make a paste.
Add this mixture into other ingredients. Also, mix 1-2 tbsp corn starch into little bit of water to form a white solution. This is used to thicken the soup. we will add it towards the end.
Add 2 cups of water in the wok. Bring water to a boil. Add corn starch mixture. Let it simmer so that soup can thicken.
Finish off with some seasoning pepper. More salt can be added to adjust the taste.
Garnish with green onions and serve.
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