Sweet Hawaiian Salsa Recipe Dads That Cook

Hawaiian style salsa with papaya, mango, apples, tomato, and red onion. Easy to make and incredibly delicious! With Chef Wes and Jason Glover

Recipe: https://dadsthatcook.com/recipes/hawaiian-salsa/

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Alright well here we are, we're in the kitchen with Wes, he's got this incredible salsa that his family used to make.

It's a Hawaiian style salsa that we brought with us back from the islands when we first moved over here. What we have here is a nice, Mexican papaya. The next ingredient that we like to highlight is the mango. Gotta look at them, make sure they got good color on them. Apples, now I like the Granny Smith. Then we have our Roma tomatoes. Red onion, and then we use a nice cilantro. This is the lemon that we're going to be using.
The other ingredients that we bring to this dish is just a little bit of ground black pepper, kosher salt, a little bit of vegetable oil, some white sugar, rice vinegar. We also use a little bit of our heat source. You can use almost any type of heat that you like, if you like jalapenos, if you like something really hot-
If you want it to burn your mouth off, go for it, right?
Wow, I feel like I'm at Benihana's now.
One of the first things I do is I take the papaya, slice it in half. Okay? Take the insides out. When it's all nice and cleaned out, just for safety purposes, I take a little end off the top. Okay? Set it down flat, and then just go-
And just go down it.
... Right down the edge.
So when you made this salsa for the stores, was it all done by hand too?
All done by hand.
So what I do is I just go down the sides of it like that, and I try to keep everything same size best I can.
Nice. You guys must have some big chopping boards.
Keep it off to the side, keep it all together, make a nice dice.
And then dice again. I'm gonna steal a little piece of-
Mmm. That is so sweet. That's good.
Take it and put it down in there. Mangoes are a little bit tricky. Get yourself a nice, flat surface. There's a seed that runs through the center of this thing and it looks like a little flattened football. Take your knife, you go down to that seed, find it ... [inaudible]. Come around it. There's the seed in there, that one's in there.
Once you have these sides, you wanna get the skin off. Take it, and-
Just slice right out of there.
... Just slice right off of it. And once you've all you got that, you put that away.
what else do you put this on?
It goes well with any type of fish, and that's one of the reasons I think it does so well as a Hawaiian style salsa. I mean when you're in the islands you're there to get refreshed a little bit.
So we get everything married here real nicely, put that off to the side here a little bit.
Pretty simple.
Leave the peel on too, right?
Yeah, we leave the peel on. The peel on is nice. Pretty much down the center. Paring knife, wanna go in and take the pit out. Take that off, take that off.
This salsa looks like one of those once you get it down and you start working this thing, it's not too complicated to make.
No, no.
I mean this is pretty simple to make, it's just taking the time to cut everything up.

Mm-hmm (affirmative). It's always best if you give it a little bit of prep time so that all the flavors can come together.
How many hours?
Four or five hours.
Hours? Maybe make it the night before or something?
Make it the night before. This does not have to be perfectly diced, in fact it's better if it isn't.
Have you tried this in the food processor?
Yes I have, comes out kinda mushy. The flavors are still the same, but it's the look.
We'll break down this next apple.
Make it happen.
Right after I do the apples, because apples can oxidize real quickly and get brown, is mix them in with the other fruit, so that the acids from the mango, so they won't turn all brown, so they'll maintain their color.
The long way. One of the easiest ways to do a tomato is not to cut it on the skin side up. Cut it in the flesh side.
And we only have like 15 more of these tomatoes to go through.
What we'll do now is we'll get these tomatoes in here, and get those married up a little bit. We'll get these mixed in, and then we'll put in our final ingredients, and this thing'll be ready to go.
So we got this red onion, peeled it up a little bit. We're gonna do half of it, dice on this-
That's the easiest way to go, that's what we're talking about right there.
And then when we-
... Go into it, it just slices up really nicely.
Yeah, that's awesome.
Gives us our dice.
If your first time getting into the kitchen, or maybe you've been in the kitchen a few times, you just gotta get in there and chop, and chop, and chop.

Best Salsa recipe, how to make salsa, Hawaiian salsa recipe
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