Tandoori Chicken Recipe - So Easy to Make DADS THAT COOK

Recipe: https://dadsthatcook.com/singlerecipes/grilled-tandoori-chicken-thighs/

Enjoy the robust flavors of India with this homestyle Indian tandoori and curry red chicken recipe. Easy to make and super tasty...your family will love it!

I'm fired up about this dish. This is actually really quick and easy. There's only a few ingredients here as you can plainly see, right? Garlic paste, ginger paste. Comes in those little squirt containers. Curry powder. Tandoori powder. There's olive oil.
And chicken. And you dump these. And a bowl. And a big bowl to mix in. And our spoon. And a spoon. I usually just use the thighs. Boneless, skinless thighs. And I find these really absorb it well, and they cook quickly. And it's about two pounds of chicken in here. So once it's all mixed up, let it sit for a little while, then you just grill it right away and serve it.
I'm gonna flip sides with you if that's okay. Okay. Yeah. Go for it.
All right. Go ahead. So I always start with the olive oil. The trick is make enough to coat all the chicken. Two pounds, about a quarter cup does it. Should be good. Stick it on in. All right. So I'm gonna add the garlic in now. It's about an ounce, ounce and a half of garlic is pretty much all we're gonna need.
Then the ginger. We use less of ginger. Ginger, yes. 'Cause the ginger really-Ginger is really-Too much, it kills it. Strong. It'll ruin the whole dish. So you wanna use about half the amount of ginger. Mix it up a little bit. Creating a paste. Just a little bit. You wanna make sure the olive oil really mixes in with the garlic and stuff. Now it looks kind of chunky at this point, but it'll smooth out really quick.
So now we're gonna add the real flavor. Curry powder. This isn't the fake flavor. No, not at all. This is the real flavor. This is fresh flavor. I use a whole teaspoon of this, of the curry powder. Using my hands.
Why do you use your fingers? This is much easier. Oh my God. A couple pinches. A couple of pinches, right? And then I do ... This is the red stuff again. Tandoori powder. Very little of this. If this is a teaspoon, you want a quarter teaspoon of this. Tandoori, what does it do? So tandoori, you have tandoori chicken in your restaurants, right?
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Right.Gives a little bit of flavor to it, and it really makes the color. I like color. Perfect. So red's good. I like chicken.
Even better. Hey, we should hang out. That's right. The trick is don't put too much of this, because this will burn on the grill. This stuff won't. This stuff will burn, so never do that.
That's a good little thing to know. Now mix this together. Now you gotta smell it. Oh, yeah. That smells great. Mm-hmm (affirmative). Should we just start eating it? It needs more spice. It still smells good. I smell the olive oil a lot. I'm just gonna put the rest of the curry powder in. Yeah, what the heck?
So I was a little worried the first time I made it whether the kids would eat it, because they weren't big on spice then, but they ate it, and they didn't even notice it. They didn't even notice at all. It's all mixed. We're all set. So the chicken. You gotta put your hands in.
Gotta put your hands in. So just toss it on in. Throw that chicken in there. It just lays on top. And literally you just scoop it together.
Just mix it. Just make sure that everything is very well coated. All right, good. So this is all ready to go. You go wash your hands. Yep. I'll be right back. And do you put some saran wrap or something on it? I put saran wrap right on top, and I let it sit in the fridge. Fortunately for us, Raghu already had some made last night. 'Cause obviously you wanna have that marinating over night, right?
Right. Here it is. This is after about 18 hours of marinating. So, Jason, we're gonna let it sit here for about 15 minutes. I find it's best to let it wait. Let it warm up a little bit. Sure. Put something really cold on the grill, it'll just kill the flavor. It'll shock the meat. It won't taste as good. How hot do we got it? So I got it up around 375, 400 degrees. All right. This is always the fun part. Put it on without burning your hands. Yeah. I'm using tongs. Everybody's got their techniques, right? Oh, listen to the sizzle. So I usually keep it on for about seven to ten minutes per side. Yeah. And then flip it.
I got a funky grill. I don't know about you guys. But I got certain areas that are hotter than others. No, that's normal with every grill. Every grill has got a hot spot, and I don't know why that is. I don't know why they can't make one that just everything is ...
Perfect. I'm flipping this early. Just so you know. You are? You're flipping it early? Yeah, I'm just curious what it looks like on that side. It's looking good.

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