Tang Tails | The Tang Orange Seasoning Cooler | Chef Kunal Kapur Recipes | Summer Drink Recipes

Bringing to you another refreshing recipe from the Tang Tails - 'Tang Orange Seasoning'.

Let's bring a refreshing twist this summers with Tang. This drink not only looks delicious but tastes fantastic too! Get inspired and share your version of Tang with us by tagging us on @Tang India.

~The Tang Orange Seasoning~
(Serves 2)
Tang Orange - 4tbsp
Plum (fresh) - 5nos
Sugar - 2tbsp
Roasted Cumin Powder - 1tsp
Black salt - ½ tsp
Salt - a tiny pinch
Water - 2½ cups
Ice cubes - handful (optional)

Garnish (optional)
Orange slice
Mint Leaves
Plum Slices

- Cut the plums to remove the seed and add them to a pan with sugar and a dash of water. Add roasted cumin powder, salt, black salt and cover and cook them for 10mins or till the plums are tender and mashy. Cool them completely and then puree them.
- In a separate bowl mix together Tang orange, water and some ice.
Place 2 chilled glasses and pour the plum puree. You can add extra ice cubes if you want.
- Place a spoon over the glass and gently pour the tang orange so that it floats over the plum puree. This way of gentle pouring will give 2 separate colours to the drink.
- Fill it till the top, do not stir and serve.

Also, don't forget to share the image of your Tang Orange Seasoning Cooler by tagging us on Facebook or Instagram (links below) latest by 31st May 2021. Because selected winners will get a one-year supply of Tang, absolutely free, i.e. 12 packs of Tang.

Not only that, the top 10 winners will get my new cookbook ‘Kunal Kapur in the Kitchen - family Meals’. So, hurry up and make yourself a refreshing glass of Tang.

Submit your entries on these Tang India handles
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tang_india/​​
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TangIndia​​

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#KKitchen​​​ #ChefKunal​​​ #kunalkapoor​​​ #kunalkapur​​​ #Chef​​​

Check other cool TANG drinks out-
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