Temarizushi Cupcakes and Soy Sauce Foam Espuma 手毬寿司 カップケーキ 泡醤油 エスプーマ | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

We put temarizushi (sushi balls) into nori cups to make them look like cupcakes. We also tried soy sauce foam, which is now trendy in Japan. We made a few mistakes, but we think the final recipe is good. Give it a try! We forgot to stop the camera so there is some footage of the Mosogourmet strategy meeting. Please enjoy us agonizing over soy sauce foam on ball sushi. The second part showing the creation of soy sauce foam was refilmed, as we were not happy with the finished product. ( 04:38 )At the very end, there is a bonus segment with sushi rings.( 06:18 )
ツイッター https://twitter.com/mosogourmet
ニコニコ動画 http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/11111118/video


1. Cut sashimi in half.
2. Make rice that is cooked a little hard into sushi rice.
3. Put toppings, wasabi, and sushi rice on plastic wrap, in that order, and make it round. If you have yellow toppings such as egg, it will look pretty.
4. Place them on nori cups. The nori cups will spread after some time. If you place them right before eating, they will be beautiful.

Soy Sauce Foam

1. Put 1 tablespoon of water in a heat-resistant bowl, and sprinkle in 1/2 teaspoon of gelatin.
2. Heat in a 600 W microwave oven for 20 seconds.
3. Stir to completely dissolve the gelatin.
4. Stir in 20 g water (1 and 1/3 tablespoons ) and 10 g soy sauce (2 teaspoons).
5. Stir with a hand-mixer until it foams up lightly.
6. Stir for one minute more on ice (high speed).
7. Let sit for one minute.
8. Beat for 30 seconds more. Beat until it is entirely fine foam and there is no fluid on the bottom.
9. Let sit for two minutes and it is done.


1.耐熱ボウルに水 15g(大さじ1)を入れ、ゼラチン 小さじ 1/2を振り入れる。
4.水 20g(大さじ1と1/3)と醤油10g(小さじ 2)を加える。
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