The Best Apple Crisp Served With Ice Cream by Rockin Robin

How to make apple crisp with ground up oatmeal. Most people don't do this but it makes a great crust this way. I also use more cinnamon than most people. Find this recipe at:

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Apple crisp is a bit easier to make than apple pie so it's great when you are short on time. It is such a comfort food, especially when it comes out of the oven and served warm with vanilla ice cream.

One thing I do differently than a lot of people is that instead of using old fashion oatmeal in it's whole form, I ground mine up to make a flour. It results is a less chewy topping and is more crumbly. I guess it just depends on what you like.

I had apple crisp one time a very long time ago and the topping was like this. I thought it was the absolute best dessert on the planet and tried to duplicate it for years and finally did.

Dessert doesn't get any better than that!

Here are some of my recommendations:

1. Use Pippin apples if you can find them, or use Granny Smith
2. Slice the apples thin so they cook easily.
3. I like to mix my cinnamon, corn starch and sugar in a bowl so when I add it to the apples, all the flavors get evenly distributed and coats the apples well.
4. Use a cookie sheet under the baking dish to catch any drips. It keeps your oven clean.
5. It's easy to add chopped nuts, or raisins to this if you like.

This is a great dessert to take to parties or when you are entertaining. It's easy and delicious.

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Rockin Robin

Music by Kevin MacLead
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