The Best Ramen in Japan - Ichiran Ramen | Japanese Eats

Ichiran Ramen is widely accepted as serving the best ramen in Japan, and we wholeheartedly agree, giving it the coveted 5/5 poops rating here at JapaneseEats.

The shop was founded in Hakata Fukuoka in the 1960s. Hakata ramen is characterised by its thin, long, firm noodles, usually whiter in color. Its winning formula can be attributed to the creamy smooth classic pork-based tonkotsu soup, topped with Ichiran’s original red pepper sauced mixed with 3 type of spices. Each and every spoonful of this broth will wow you every time; it really is that special.

Your order is taken at the automatic vending machine at the entrance of the restaurants. The machine has a very intuitive interface - just insert the money and push the buttons of what you want, and it will print out your tickets. You can order the standard ramen plus many extra toppings (boiled egg, extra noodles, etc.) and other drinks. Water is of course free and each seat has its tap to fill the glass.

After receiving your tickets, you will also need to fill out a form that allows you to customize each aspect of your ramen - the flavor strength, richness, the noodle's tenderness, etc. You will then be directed to a free seat in one of the rows of private ramen booths.

The philosophy of this restaurant is that everyone should enjoy his or her ramen without getting "bothered" by anyone. For this reason, every seat are separated from adjacent seats with dividers that can be removed if you aren't alone and want to eat with someone.

In addition, every seat is isolated from the staff of the restaurant that is on the other side of the counter. A curtain at the frond of your booth is opened only to collect your tickets and serve what you have ordered. Whether you like it or not, nothing here will distract you from the blissful state you'll be in as you slurp down your ramen.


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