The Chiappas - Cooked Cherries with Grappa | TheChiappas

Cooked Cherries with Grappa
Description: A recipe for the sweet tooth which uses Grappa!

Italian flavour. British style. Food, family and life with three Welsh-Italian sisters.

'Wales and Italy, family and food: for us, these four things are inextricably linked and at the root of our upbringing. Whether at the family home in Wales or when we spend holidays in the small hilltop village we are from in northern Italy, we have always heard Dad say that 'la tavola' (the table) is the central focus of our lives. It's where we cook, eat and socialise as a family. Through our Channel 4 television show 'Simply Italian' and our forthcoming book of the same name from Penguin Books, we aim to show you how to cook and enjoy fresh, home-made food that is healthy, cheap and easy to make.'
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