The Cup Noodle Museum! Yokohama, Japan | Japanese Eats

The Cupnoodles Museum is designed to store the creativity and curiosity within every child and provide a rich educational experience. Through the museum's many exhibits, you can learn about the creative thinking of Momofuku Ando, the founder of Nissan Food Products and inventor of Chicken Ramen, the world's first instant ramen that revolutionized eating customs all over the world.

This video captures several exhibits:

Instant Noodles History Cube
This exhibit displays the instant ramen lineup that started with Chicken Ramen. An astounding selection of over 3,000 product packages shows how a single product introduced a half-century ago grew into a global dietary culture.

Momofuku Theater
Momofuku TV employs CG animation to look back at the history of instant ramen and tell the story of how Momofuku Ando overcame great adversity to achieve inventions of worldwide importance. The program presents the six keywords that drove Momofuku's creative thinking in a fun and easy to understand way.

The menu for this food attraction features eight varieties of noodles that Momofuku Ando encountered during his travels in search of ramen's origins. Here you can enjoy the noodle culture that has spread to every corner of the world in an ambience that is like an Asian night market.

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