The Power of Building Resilience Through Self-Compassion for Parents and Teens HPC: E146

Get all the links we mention today here:

Wait until you hear how Dr. Mary Wilde and I connected! We'll start with that fun story and then dig into topics that have never been more important than they are today:

* The impact of the culture on teen anxiety
* How food and mood are connected
* Why parents need to give themselves compassion most of all
* The power of building resilience (and a few practical tips to do it)
* Common deficiencies that affect mood
* How anxiety shows up differently in little kids and teens
* Whether restrictive diets are "worth it" when your child is struggling with mental health

Enjoy today's interview, and be sure to grab Dr. Mary's nutrition tips to improve focus and mood regulation here:

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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