5 Tips to Improve Sleep WithOUT Spending More Time in Bed!

Everyone knows we need sleep, but most busy Americans dont really want to follow advice to get more time in bed. To celebrate National Sleep Awareness Month, Katie Kimball from Kitchen Stewardship is here to share some of her stress mastery training with some rookie tools that can improve the quality of your sleep without taking any time at all.

Sleep is based on circadian rhythm, and to keep that happy we need to regulate the blue light hitting our eyes in the evening. Try blue blocker glasses, salt lamps, the F.lux app and blue filter settings on your devices. Swap alcoholic "nightcaps" for a hot mug of caffeine-free tea, and track your sleep patterns with the Sleep Cycle app, which also wakes you up gently.

Read more at http://kitchenstewardship.com/bettersleep
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