Tricia Nelson Heal Your Hunger: How to End Emotional Eating Now HPC: E139

Have you ever eaten chocolate or chips when you feel stressed?

Rewarded yourself for a job well done with a little sticky celebration?

Hid from sadness with a whole box of ice cream to yourself?

The term "emotional eating" might be new to you, but I'm sure you can see how it works. This interview with Tricia Nelson, author of "Heal Your Hunger," is powerful in that we unlock the hidden truth behind why many of us can't lose weight --

It's not about the food.

It's not about self-discipline.

It's about feelings.

In this chat, we focus on the adults, on how to get through our own emotional eating, and although we touch upon how this impacts our parenting, it's not about kids' health today.

You'll find out:

* What emotional eating is, and how it differs from food addiction
* How we're wired for comfort food
* The #1 trait of emotional eaters (which, you guessed it, has nothing to with food or self-discipline!)
* How to re-learn how to listen to your body's physical hunger cues
* Some questions you can ask yourself to differentiate between emotional eating and true hunger
* The interesting correlation between Tricia's solution for emotional eaters and the first step of my process to help picky eaters
* How to avoid raising kids who are emotional eaters
* 3 practical steps to take to avoid the blame game and end emotional eating today

Super quick note that this isn't a kid-friendly interview, nothing huge, but you might not want to have this one on with kids in the background.

Join Tricia in her Secret Sauce to End Emotional Eating Facebook group (anyone can join) and be sure to take her emotional eating quiz today:

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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