Unicorn Popcorn Treats

Super colourful and super fun - perfect for your kids next unicorn party


Triple coloured Popcorn Cones


Serves: 6-8

For the Popcorn:

2 tbsp oil, of choice
cup IMBO Popcorn kernels

For the Triple coloured popcorn cones:

Popped popcorn
2 cups white baking chocolate, melted
Powdered pastel pink food colouring
Powdered pastel purple food colouring
Powdered pastel blue food colouring
Paper cones/white paper bags


For the Popcorn:

1. Add oil to a heavy based pot and when warm, add the popcorn kernels.

2. Stir well, cover with a lid and remove from the heat when the pops are more than 2 seconds apart. Allow to cool.

For the Triple coloured popcorn cones:

1. Line a baking sheet with wax paper.

2. Split the popcorn into three bowls and set aside.

3. Split the melted chocolate into three small bowls. Add the food colouring to each of the chocolate-filled bowls and mix well.

4. Add each of the different coloured melted chocolate mixtures onto the popcorn (one colour per batch) and stir well to coat all of the pieces.

5. Spread the prepared popcorn out onto the prepared sheet.

6. Repeat with every colour and refrigerate for +/-30 minutes or until set.

7. Break up the popcorn and mix all of the colours together.

8. Serve in the paper cones and enjoy!

Unicorn Smores Bars:


For the Popcorn:

2 tbsp oil, of choice
cup IMBO Popcorn kernels

For the Unicorn Smores Bars:

1 pack digestives (150 g)
1/3 cup butter, melted
Popped popcorn
1 large pack of white marshmallows
2 cups melted white chocolate
Powdered pastel pink food colouring
Powdered pastel purple food colouring
Powdered pastel blue food colouring
Extra melted white chocolate, for the garnish
Mini pastel sprinkles, for the garnish
Silver edible dust, for the garnish


For the Popcorn:

1. Add oil to a heavy based pot and when warm, add the popcorn kernels.

2. Stir well, cover with a lid and remove from the heat when the pops are more than 2 seconds apart. Allow to cool then split the popcorn in three batches on a baking sheet.

For the Unicorn Smores Bars:

1. Line a baking sheet with baking paper. Split the popcorn into three bowls and set aside.

2. Split the melted chocolate into three small bowls. Add the food colouring to each of the chocolate-filled bowls and mix well.

3. Add each of the different coloured melted chocolate mixtures onto the popcorn (one colour
per batch) and stir well to coat all of the pieces. Spread the prepared popcorn out onto the prepared sheet. Repeat with every colour and refrigerate for +/-30 minutes or until set.
4. Break up the popcorn and mix all of the colours together.

5. Turn the oven onto its highest grill setting and line a large baking dish with wax paper.

6. Crumb the digestive biscuits either in a food processer or using zip lock back and a rolling pin.

7. Add butter to the crumbs and mix until well combined. Spoon this mixture into the prepared baking dish and press down firmly. Allow to set in the fridge for 20 30 minutes.

8. Pack the marshmallows out onto the digestive biscuits.

9. Place the baking dish under the grill for 8 minutes, watching it closely, until the marshmallows turn golden brown and puff up.

10. Add a layer of the mixed popcorn onto the grilled marshmallows. Press down gently to nestle them into the marshmallows and set in the fridge for 20-30minutes.

11. Drizzle with plain white chocolate and decorate according to the theme.

12.Slice, serve and enjoy!

Planning to try this?

If yes, please share your pictures with us on the Foodies Of SA Group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/301933683643677/
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