Vegetable Waffle Sandwich | FoodFood

Waffles and sandwiches together, what more could you ask for? Try this decadent Vegetable Waffle Sandwich, it’s worth it!


1 large potato boiled with salt, peeled and thickly sliced
1 large tomato, thinly sliced
1 large onion, thinly sliced
1 large cucumber, sliced diagonally
1 large beetroot, thinly sliced
2 cups refined flour (maida)
1 tsp baking powder
½ cup yogurt
2 cups milk
Salt to taste
3 tbsps oil + to brush
A sprig of fresh thyme
Butter for applying
Green chutney mayo for drizzling
Dijon mayo for drizzling
Chaat masala to sprinkle

1. Preheat a waffle maker.
2. To prepare waffle batter, take refined flour in a large bowl. Add baking powder, yogurt, milk and salt and mix well. Add 3 tbsps oil and whisk till a smooth batter is formed.
3. Separate the leaves of thyme and add into the batter and mix well. Set aside.
4. Brush oil on both the sides of the waffle maker, pour two ladles of batter .Cover and cook till golden brown. Remove waffle and set aside to cool down to room temperature.
5. Cut the waffle into quarters, place a quarter on worktop, apply butter, drizzle green chutney mayo and Dijon mustard mayo.
6. Place a few potato slices, sprinkle chaat masala, a pinch of salt and arrange a few tomato slices. Add a few onion slices and sprinkle chaat masala. Arrange a few cucumber slices, beetroot slices and sprinkle chaat masala and salt on top.
7. Drizzle green chutney mayo and Dijon mayo. Apply butter on another quarter of the waffles and place it on top of first piece to form a sandwich. Serve immediately.

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